SOB Sister/SOB 12.22.16 w DJ Ginger
12/23/2016 DJ Ginger / podcast / WRIR

Calibro 35-Passaggi Nei Tempo-Any Resemblance to Real Persons Or Actual Facts Is Purely Coincidental
Wilco-You Satellite-Star Wars
Os Mutantes-Adeus Maria Fulo-Os Mutantes
Gasper Lawal-Awan-Ojise-Oluwa-World Psychedelic Classics 3: Love’s a Real Thing
il sogno del marinaio-Stucazz?!!-Canto Secondo
Bauhaus-Hair of the Dog-Mask
David Bowie-Lazarus-Blackstar
Kraftwerk-Europe Endless-Trans Europe Express
Under Byen-Palads-Samme Stof Som Stof
Jethro Tull-Ring Out Solstice Bells-Gift Wrapped 3
Roxy Music-Do the Strand-Roxy Music: The Collection
The Velvet Underground-I Heard Her Call My Name-White Light/White Heat
Genesis-Time Table-Foxtrot
Ajda Pekkan-Kaderimin Oyunu-Hosgor Sen
David Bowie-The Man Who Sold the World-The Man Who Sold the World
Tricky w/ Martina Topley-Bird-Black Steel-Maxinquaye
Thee Oh Sees-Encrypted Bounce-Drop
Brian Eno-Fullness of Wind-Discreet Music
Spyro Gyra-Opus D’Opus-Spyro Gyra
Amon Tobin-Deo-Supermodified
Sigur Ros-Track 5-( )